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The yearly L-Istrina Charity Open is being held at LivingWell Health and Fitness Club on Saturday 2nd December. We will have 3 events Mixed A Open  From 16:00 to 19:30 Mixed B/C Event  From 12:00 to 16:00 Mixed Junior Event Fropm 09:30 to 12:00 Fees Euro 15 for Adults Euro...

Kijan Sultana and Luigi Buhagiar both performed well in the Spanish Junior Open that was held in Santiago de Compostela over the weekend. The Maltese junior squash players were competing in the Under 15 event. It was Kijan Sultana’s first international...

Notice is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting of Malta Squash to be held on Wednesday 24th May 2017 at 6.00pm at the Marsa Sports Club Agenda To approve the minutes of the AGM held on Monday 23 rd May...